Post-Jam Patch

Post-jam patch for the game, fixing several issues and adding commonly requested QoL improvements.

New Features:

- Player can now use Shift + Directional Buttons to look around.

- A second level was added to the game.


- Summoned animals now stay summoned for full duration, even if recording is stopped early.
- Summoned animals are now always synchronised.
- While moving into movable object, an arrow indicating movement shows up on the screen.


- Small tweaks to some of the existing puzzles.

Bug fixes:

- Summoned animals should no longer be stuck in disappearing state.
- Html version should no longer suffer from choppy music while loading the level.
- Player and summoned animals should no longer die from just being on currently moving platforms.

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Dec 19, 2021
Lapin and the Spirit Totems 25 MB
Dec 19, 2021

Get Lapin and The Spirit Totems

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